Discover The Fitness Secrets Of The Tour Pros For Power And Consistency, And Slash Your Handicap... Guaranteed - Power Golf Workouts


All Of This From The Comfort Of Your Own Home In Only 30 Minutes A DayFrom: Stephen Ladd – Founder, Renegade Golf Fitness Institute

Are you serious about your golf game? I mean obsessed with crushing your drives, sticking your irons and draining putts? Not to mention becoming top dog in your foursome?

No doubt you’ve noticed the rise in popularity of fitness programs for the top players on all the Tours. Maybe you’ve started a fitness program in hopes of adding more power and distance, but aren’t getting the results you were hoping for . . or even worse, you end up injured and can’t play at all.

There is one primary reason for this, and I’m going to tell you all about it. But first, let me introduce myself . . .

My name is Stephen Ladd, and my obsession is training golfers as athletes, and developing their bodies to better use their golf skills and play to their peak potential.  I have been doing just that for over 16 years… long before the “golf fitness” craze began. I have been trained and certified through the most prestigious golf fitness organizations in the world, including The Titleist Performance Institute and The CHEK Institute.

Even though the best golf swings are graceful, at their foundation they are also an example of “controlled violence”.

RAW POWER is what you need to crush your drives, get killer distance with all your clubs, and on the occasion when you need to go deep into the rough to get after your ball.

So if power is the key, then golfers should train using power exercises, right?

Most amateurs who undertake a power golf fitness routine end up with lackluster results and/or getting sidelined with an injury.

The reason for this common disappointment is…

They did not have a professionally designed, scientifically-based, golf-specific workout program that followed proper progressions and periodization.

In “non-exercise-science-geek” language – they put the cart waaaay before the horse.

My 16 years of research and “in the trenches” experience has proven to me that the optimal order of exercise phases is the progression below:

If you jump right into strength and power exercises (like most of us want to do), then you will likely either end up with more distance, but lack of consistency and control of the ball, and/or you will hurt yourself.

Don’t let this happen to you!

First, you need to ensure that you have adequate Flexibility and Range of Motion.

You don’t need to be Gumby or tie yourself up in knots. But the more range of motion you have in specific parts of your body, the more easily you will add yards with every club with consistency.

Second, you need to create Stability in other parts of your body.

Think about it, you know this is true in every golf swing:

Some parts of your body need to move, while other areas need to remain still. This is what creates Torque.

As a matter of fact, all of my golfers see an increase in club-head speed and distance from these first two phases alone.

Third, you progress to Strength Training.

But not the type the “meat-head” bodybuilders do.

Rather, you need functional, golf-specific strength training that will have a direct carry-over to your performance on the course.

Finally, you move onto Power Training.

These are the exercises that add the component of speed to the mix. As I said before, all of my golfers see greater club-head speed and power within the first 3-4 weeks, and once you get to the power phase, these gains are multiplied exponentially.

If you’ve read this far, then obviously you’re serious about building your body to play your best golf ever.

Never before has it been so easy for serious golfers to get professional fitness training.  The Power Golf Fitness System is a complete system that will strengthen every part of your golf game.

And it is designed to be easily done at home in only 30 minutes per workout.

I left nothing to chance. The Power Golf Fitness System will strengthen the four critical areas required for peak performance and injury prevention. This is the exact system that I use with my professional and serious amateur golf clients. They’ve seen incredible results – and you will too.

Up until three months ago, I worked out almost every day. None of it translated over to an improvement on the golf course. Since switching to the Power Golf Fitness System, I have developed more functional strength that has given me a powerful and consistent golf swing. I’m hitting the ball longer and straighter than I ever have, and I’m in the best shape of my life! Amazingly, I now spend less than half the time working out that I used to! Now I always have time to squeeze that extra 9 in, and it’s all thanks to Stephen and his program!

As of today, I am down 65 pounds. I absolutely feel great. Best of all I am totally pain free!!! By the way I am playing my best golf ever. I play on the Golf Week Amateur Tour and the Golf Channel Amateur Tour and I have won a tournament on each tour, so the stretching and workouts are paying off.

“After working with Stephen’s golf fitness program, especially the stretching and power phases, I’ve gotten a significant improvement in my distance with all my clubs, while swinging with more ease and fluidity. My instructor is very pleased with my ability to keep my spine angle constant throughout my swing, which will certainly improve my consistency and scoring.”

“The biggest improvement I’ve noticed occurs after playing 18 holes of golf. I have more energy and am not tired at the end of a round. There have been a few times when I play more than one round of golf in a day and I’m able to finish as strong as I start. In fact, I feel as if I could play more golf if I wanted. Also, my back isn’t sore the next day. I’ve been able to hit the ball further, with less effort. My drives are now averaging around 275 yards (I even hit a 320!) The people I golf with have noticed.”

“I initially came to Stephen as a post-rehab client to get rid of my chronic low back pain, and to be able to play golf without hurting for three days afterwards. I was able to achieve all of that and a great deal more. I am now stronger than I have ever been in my life, and am no longer limited by my back.”

“Stephen Ladd used his expertise to provide a personalized fitness plan for my unique golf challenges and goals. His dedication and motivation to achieving the best in all levels of competition is contagious. He helped me prepare to train and compete at an intense level. I entered the world of collegiate golf knowing how to train and assured in my preparation. Stephen was a motivator, coach, trainer and supportive companion, spurring me on to accomplish my goals and then to set new ones. To this day, I am truly thankful.”

Ashley Baker
Former Collegiate Golfer – Furman University

Kiss the back-nine fatigue goodbye. With Power Golf Cardio you’ll create reserves of energy that will fuel steady performance through 18, or even 36 holes. I’ll show you how to super-charge your cardio training with intervals to get the benefits of intensity and speed. And it only takes 6-8 minutes!

Here’s what I’m willing to do for you:

I’ve been able to save a considerable amount of money converting this course into a down-loadable format, including the E-Manual and the Videos. This means that you’ll get immediate access to the system without needing to wait for shipment. I also save money by not having to print the materials. I’m going to pass those savings onto you.

Your payment will be processed with our secure third-party payment company and I will immediately send you all the easy download information.

You’ll be strengthening your body and your game – later today.

Let me do one more thing for you…

Go ahead and order your personal copy of the The Power Golf Fitness System.

Download the System and start the program.  Pay close attention to your energy level, strength, and swing speed.  Watch your driving distance, precision, and finesse on the greens.  Pause on the back nine and check how you feel.

If you don’t feel like a million bucks.  If your game doesn’t noticeably improve.  If you feel that the exercises aren’t helping, then send me an email and I’ll immediately refund your purchase.  You can keep the entire system as a token of my thanks for giving it a test drive.

Simple.  No hoops or bureaucratic red tape.  I want you to be more than thrilled with your purchase.  I’m willing to put my reputation on the line to ensure you are happy.

Just click the Add to Cart button below to start the process. We’ll send you download instructions immediately after receiving your order.  You’ll be ready to start 10 minutes from now.

I’m excited to be your “Golf Fitness Caddy”!

Coach Stephen & The Renegade Golf Fitness Team

P.P.S. Want to get me on the phone? No problem. I’m not some “Internet Guru” who sits behind his desk and theorizes about this stuff. I run a real live Golf Fitness Institute in Columbus, Ohio USA.  You can contact me, Stephen Ladd, at (614) 487-1440.  Or email me at Stephen (at)  I’ll get back with you ASAP.

P.P.P.S. I’ve gone to every length to be as descriptive as possible of what you’ll find in The Power Golf Fitness System, but in the event you have any more questions, I’ve included a FAQ that I think will help you out.

The Power Golf Fitness System FAQ

NOTE: The Power Golf Fitness System is a completely down-loadable product of an E-manual and Video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all E-Manuals is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video files are also compatible with both Mac and PC.

I’ve taken a look at Stephen’s new power fitness program and I can’t recommend it high enough. Any golfer that is serious about improving their golf game should get this program and follow it. If they do undoubtedly they will hit the ball longer, straighter and more consistently. It’s a well thought out program from an expert in his field.

Jeff Richmond
Golf Professional

Stephen Ladd is a well respected leader in the golf fitness community in working with a diverse group of golfers. He is well versed in golf specific exercises, stretches, and nutritional strategies designed to give his students a competitive edge when competing and playing in important tournaments and improving all around play. I highly endorse his talents and expertise in the golf fitness arena.

Susan Hill
Golf Fitness Expert

I’m so impressed with this workout system! At my age (49), I’m totally convinced that how my body is working on any given day has so much more influence on how well I play and how low I score than a new set of clubs. The great thing about these exercises is that I can actually swing easier and get the same distance while dramatically improving my accuracy. Better than that, I don’t tire out at about the 14th hole and keep my focus longer. Looks like you’ve got everything covered in here. I’m recommending to my golfers for sure! Thanks for doing it right!

Craig Sigl
Golf Professional & Mental Game Coach

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Discover The Fitness Secrets Of The Tour Pros For Power And Consistency, And Slash Your Handicap... Guaranteed - Power Golf Workouts is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.